How you gonna knock somebody in the world for trying to do something? Trying. Since when has it become not cool to try? You fucking loser.
A$AP Rocky
I’ve been amused (because my knowledge of humans make shock almost impossible) by the sudden turn against Ukraine President, Volodymyr Zelensky.
Suddenly, Zelensky is being called naive for “going into a war”, as if he was the aggressor and not the other way round.
Let’s be clear: Zelensky was not wrong to have stood up to a bully. He was only unlucky that his country’s allies didn’t come through for them.
And no, an ally not delivering on their promise isn’t naivety on his part. Even the US had been abandoned by allies before. Notably, UK and India.
Standing up...
Now, the attempt to make Zelensky look like the wrong one is disturbing.
So, when another country orders you not to join an organisation that can protect you from that country, you just say yes sir and back down?
Especially when that country has attacked you before? A robber is saying you shouldn’t hire vigilantes and you should say okay?
Basically, Russia attacked Ukraine because Ukraine did not trust Russia’s promise not to attack them again. And Ukraine is somehow the enemy? Make it make sense.
That Trump is backing his friend, Putin, is politics. Not an indictment of Zelensky’s decision to stand up to a bully.
Where's the empathy from the oppressed?
One would think citizens of African countries that had to fight and struggle through blood and deaths to be independent would empathize, but no, they are either stuck up on Trump’s actions or idolizing Putin.
What’s even more laughable is that I have seen pro-Biafran proponents who back Russia and Putin’s senseless aggression. There are very few things more dangerous than an unthinking head.
You would expect that followers of a group pushing for secession on account of oppression would identify with the struggles of an invaded country that’s fighting to stay free.
But bias and ignorance are a dangerous thing. If you add a taste for long-distance “strong men”, you have an even more dangerous trinity.
How can you not draw parallels between a Ukraine that’s being invaded even as a free country because a powerful country close to them wants to dictate what an independent country does? How do you not see it?
It is ridiculous to say the deaths were for nothing when people were standing up and fighting for their own country.
We have a long history of that in Africa and nobody is saying it was for nothing. In fact, our revolutionary leaders preferred to fight and die rather than submit. But we’re here blaming someone for standing up against an aggressor.
Burkina Faso’s Thomas Sankara said: “It is better to die on our feet than to live on our knees.”
Congo’s Patrice Lumumba said: “I prefer to die with my head high, with indestructible faith, and profound belief in the future of my country, rather than live in submission and renunciation.”
Kenya’s Dedan Kimathi said: “I will fight to the last man, to the last cartridge.”
But descendants of Africans that would fight to the death are backing an aggressor over an oppressed.
In the words of ASAP Rocky: “How you gonna knock somebody in the world for trying to do something? Trying. Since when has it become not cool to try? You fucking loser.”